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“Tamil Nadu - Towards a Trillion Dollar Economy by 2030: Evolving an Enabling Ecosystem”

  • 31 Jan, 2023

ASSOCHAM is planning to organize the subject program in the State of Tamil Nadu in line with the vision of the Hon’ble CM for one trillion economy, the program will have different set of panel discussions with policy makers, government officials and Industry leaders who will deliberate on point on developing a favourable business environment for drawing a roadmap for achieving the vision of One Trillion Economy’.

This one-day conference will be focused on topics including Enabling Policy Environment, Infrastructure and Logistics Enabling Ecosystem for Robust Credit Access and Delivery (Green Finance), Skilling – Shaping the Trillion Dollar workforce, Optimising Procurement and Inputs, Enabling market and demand conditions and connectivity, Emerging Sectors (Electronics, Semi-Conductors, Biotechnology, Defence); Technology, Innovation Ecosystem.  We are pleasure to announce GRANT THORNTON is the Knowledge Partner for the Program, who will be curating and moderating the session.

For more details, contact

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