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Work Life Balance important to control dementia symptoms says health experts on World Alzheimer Day

On World Alzheimer's Day, ASSOCHAM, an apex body, held a webinar titled "Prosperous Old Age" as part of the Illness to Wellness campaign.

New Delhi, 22nd September 2022: On World Alzheimer's Day, ASSOCHAM, an apex body, held a webinar titled "Prosperous Old Age" as part of the Illness to Wellness campaign. The webinar's main goal was to raise awareness about the issues associated with Alzheimer's disease in older adults and discuss ways to prevent it so that older adults can age gracefully, healthily, and prosperously. Field experts provided their insightful advice.

Alzheimer affects a person’s ability to remember things, think clearly, ability to remember events, names. This is an irreversible, progressive brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills and, eventually, the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. Exercising regularly, Engaging in social activities, having a healthy diet , getting adequate sleep, maintaining a healthy weight-height ratio are effective precautionary methods to function properly.  

In his welcome address, Shri Anil Rajput, Chairperson, ASSOCHAM CSR Council said, "Alzheimer disease is the most common form of progressive brain disease that leads to loss of cognitive ability that affects daily life.

While Alzheimer has no cure, early diagnosis and intervention methods are improving dramatically, and treatment options and sources of support can improve quality of life."

Talking on the need for greater awareness on this disease, he said, "better understanding of what causes it, what we can do to treat it and help the people and families who are living with it is essential.". 

Despite the fact that there are new treatment options in development, preventive measures such as a healthy diet, no addictions, adequate sleep, and light exercise are the most crucial for lowering the prevalence of dementia in a population, according to Dr. Shamsher Dwivedee, Chairman of the Department of Neurosciences at Medeour Hospital and Moolchand Hospital.

(Padma Shri) Prof. M.V. Padma Srivastava, Professor, Head Dept of Neurology, Chief Neuroscience Centre, AIIMS shared her insights on the patterns of memory in a human being and whether forgetfulness is a sign of dementia. It is common to forget small things depending on the multitude. Retaining ability depends on the relevance and IQ. The first warning sign is when a person with dementia refuses to acknowledge they have the disease until their family or caregivers point it out.

Prof. (Dr.) Rajinder K Dhamija, Director, Institute of Human Behaviour and Allied Sciences(IHBAS) said functional decline in the previous working scenario is the main issue of dementia. The symptoms of dementia include memory loss, altered behaviour patterns, delusions, fading vision, language difficulties, and forgetting faces. Dementia is a widespread condition, and the elderly population in India is growing quickly.

Dr Ritu Rana, Heading Mission – Health HelpAge India added that younger generation can help elderly with the care and interaction. Sympathy, understanding needed while treating Alzheimer patients, she added.

In his moderation, Dr. Rajesh Kesari, Founder and Director Total Care Control, Delhi – NCR EC Member, RSSDI stated Alzheimer Disease is a grave disease which is progressive and irreversible which ultimately causes premature death. It affects predominantly persons above 60 yrs. of age, he added. A healthy diet should include green vegetables, fruits, nuts and wholegrains with less fat, refined carbs, fish, berries etc. 

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