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Spiritual strength can assist to overcome emotional and physical hardships during pandemic: Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati

New Delhi, 3rd February 2022: The Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry (ASSOCHAM), an apex industry body, hosted a webinar on Mind and Body Wellness Through Spirituality, as part of the Illness to Wellness campaign, with the primary purpose of promoting consciousness and emphasizing on the importance of spirituality in helping individuals create a positive attitude on life. There is a growing body of research demonstrating that spiritual practices are linked to improved health and wellbeing for a variety of reasons. 

Initiating the webinar, Shri Anil Rajput, Chairperson, ASSOCHAM CSR Council, shared, “we are all facing unprecedented challenges due to COVID-19. The pandemic induced lockdown and changes in our lifestyle at work and home has caused considerable stress, anxiety and depression to millions”. 

Adding that “this pandemic has taught us to reflect on the quality of life, health, and wellbeing”, he emphasized on the need for spirituality in one’s lifestyle which helps us to make meaningful choices and assumes the role of preventive intervention to good health and sound mind. 

Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, (Ph.D.), Secretary-General, Global Interfaith WASH Alliance; President, Divine Shakti Foundation; Director, Parmarth Niketan Ashram, Rishikesh, was the key speaker at the webinar. The spiritual leader shared, “People are struggling with fear, stress, tension and lack of great health on every level, which is why communities must be made aware of the divine energy and the power of spiritual healing.”  

She went on to explain that the modern healthcare system is finally realizing the truth of what sages, saints, thinkers, and philosophers have been saying for over a century - that spiritual strength can assist a person to overcome emotional and physical hardships. “Duke University conducted a longitudinal study on health for 10-20 years and studied people’s usual habits of a day like drinking, eating, exercising, relationships etc. They then found out that if a person holds everything at constant, the one variable that created a massive impact was people’s spiritual and religious practice,” she informed.   

People, who attended a house of worship – be it temple, church and mosque among others - were 25% less likely to die of any cause. Faith, she added, is such a powerful factor that it not only makes individuals feel better, energetic and joyful, but also physically stronger and healthier. 

Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati also said that stress can lead to lower immunity, heart diseases, and many illnesses. Making spiritual connection through yoga, meditation and Satvik energy will support one’s overall health in the long run.   

While sharing solutions to survive the pandemic, the spiritual leader said that everyone should make time for morning meditation with family, exercise together and find a corner to relax which will invariably lead to personal healing. There is no alternative to healthy food and staying hydrated as it also helps to gain consciousness of the body, mind, and soul, she said as she concluded the session with an insightful message. 

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