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Preventing Head and Neck Cancers in India - A Comprehensive Approach

The Apex Chamber ASSOCHAM (The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India) in association with Cancer Foundation of India (CFI) organized its second session of the round table web series on Preventing Head and Neck Cancers in India. This was aimed at raising public and political literacy and understanding around head and neck cancer, reducing fear, eliminating myths and misconceptions, and changing behaviors and attitudes. With over 100 participants, the event highlighted the urgent need of building a healthy young India by reducing the disease burden of HPV-related cancers and disease in our country. 

Moderated by Ms Sutapa Biswas, Co-Founder & Executive Director, Cancer Foundation of India (CFI), the session opened with remarks from Cmdr. Navneet Bali, Co-Chair ASSOCHAM Healthcare Council & Regional Director - Northern Region, Narayana Superspeciality Hospital Gurugram highlighted that 60% of global head and neck cancers occur in Asia and most of these happen in India. 1/3rd of every cancer patient in India is a head and neck cancer patient. 

Further he added that, around 70-80% of these patients who suffer from head and neck cancer come in very late stages for treatment, which leads to increase in the mortality rate. The other causes for increases in cases are lack of education, lack of awareness, lack of facilities, psychological barriers, and other social economic issues. 

In his video message, Mr. Arun Kumar, a cancer champion, motivated the audience with his inspiring journey about battling mouth cancer and how he lived through it. He stressed over the fact that “Oral cancer is a highly preventable disease, and we can easily prevent ourselves from it by not using tobacco in any form.” 

Dr. Prakash C Gupta, Director, Healis Sekhsaria Institute of Public Health, Mumbai shared that the phrase H&N cancer, includes many types of cancer that are considered together from surgery point of view, but the most common among them with documented specific etiology is oral cancer. He highlighted that tobacco use in any form, is the most important causal factor for oral cancer. This most common cancer can be almost eliminated by removing just one risk factor from the population – tobacco use. 

Prof. Ravi Mehrotra, Founder, Centre for Health Innovation and Policy (CHIP Foundation) & Scientific Council Member, IARC stressed over the fact that Head & Neck Cancers in India accounted for 30% of all cancers. As per Globocan 2020, there were 135,929 new cases of oral and lip cancer in India in 2020. 

The most effective prevention strategy is reduction in consumption of tobacco in all forms, areca nit and alcohol. Also, the consumption of vegetables, iron, zinc, 

copper, ascorbic, acids, beta, carotene, are associated with decreased risk of precancerous conditions. 

He further added that early detection is an important strategy through the two principal routes of public education and screening. The most widely screening test for oral cancer is visual inspection of the oral cavity. 

The aim for India, should be to practice primary prevention and by early diagnosis to reduce head and neck cancers presenting with advanced diseases from 60-80% to 40% as in developed countries. 

Dr. Kaushal Kishor Yadav, Senior Consultant & Clinical Lead, Cancer Surgeon, Narayana Superspeciality Hospital, Gurugram shared that oral cancer continues to be diagnosed and treated at a late stage, which has a negative effect on outcomes. He also talked about some major symptoms for the disease which are, oral cavity which is not healing, a lump in the nose, neck or throat, with or without pain, Change in voice or hoarseness, A persistent sore throat etc. The earlier you detect cancer, the higher your odds are of curing it before it becomes severe. 

“Prevention is better than cure and do not ignore the signs and signals your body gives you”. 

Dr. LIU Yan Ping, Global Director of Medical Affairs - Head & Neck Cancers, Global Medical and Scientific Affairs – Oncology, highlighted that “The most recent advances in the management of Head & Neck cancers are Immuno-Oncology (IO) therapeutics, which have changed the paradigm for many H&N cancer patients. The checkpoint inhibitors have shown to demonstrate superior overall survival versus standard of care in patients with recurrent or metastatic H&N cancers in 1L treatment. The biomarker, PD-L1 testing based on CPS, helps predict which patients will likely respond to IO treatment. Knowing patients' PD-L1 status can help oncologists and patients make informed treatment decisions.” 

To summarize, the panel highlighted the need of awareness for preventing head and neck cancers, Cmdr. Navneet Bali, Co-Chair ASSOCHAM Healthcare Council & Regional Director - Northern Region, Narayana Superspeciality Hospital Gurugram thanked all the speakers and participants for their valuable insights. 

The third session of this roundtable web series on Lung cancer awareness is scheduled in Nov 2022. The information will be available on ASSOCHAM’s Website (www.assocham.org) 

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