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ASSOCHAM formed National Level Task force for AYUSH Sector

Kolkata, 30th September 2021:With Government’s commitment to expand the AYUSH sector, to promote the holistic healthcare in India, ASSOCHAM, the national apex chamber being led by Mr. Vineet Agarwal as President and Mr. Deepak Sood as Secretary General  has appointed,  Dr Sudipta Narayan Roy to lead a national Task Force for AYUSH sector.

ASSOCHAM appoints Dr Sudipta Narayan Roy, Managing Director of a Kolkata based Homoeopathic medicine manufacturer, Powell Group as the first Chairman of the national AYUSH Task Force with agenda to promote Research and Development, strengthen manufacturing, enhance export and increased industry government engagements for overall growth and development of the sector.

Dr Roy said among the  various priorities of the task force will be, recommendations to Union AYUSH Ministry and key stakeholders on inclusion of Indian Drugs/ plants in Ayurveda, Unani, Homoeopathy Pharmacopeia, as he chaired the first meeting of the task force. Focu shall also be to take up initiatives in assisting the industry in Novel Drug discovery along with engagement with medicinal plant board for research, promotion of clusters and overseas collaboration with technical assistance for industries. The task force shall work to promote quality and standardization as well as promote awareness programs on pharma covigilance.

Referring to the activities already taken up by him, he also acknowledged ASSOCHAM Eastern regional council Chairman Mr Ravi Agarwal’s commitment  and support towards establishing a Homoeopathy Hub in Bengal. ASSOCHAM in East is being led by Mr Ravi Agarwal as Chairman of the Eastern Region Council and the team has met WBIDC Chairman Mr Rajiva Sinha as well as Dr Partha Chatterjee, Hon’ble Industries minister of Bengal for strengthening Bengal Homoeopathy Manufacturing.

The task force met on 29th of September for a strategic meet, wherein, learned members like Dr. Sanjay Sharma of Hindustan Unilever, Dr Pawan Sharma of Emami Group and Dr Gayathri Rajagopalan of JRK Siddha came up with some outstanding proposals focusing on developments and facilitations of SME units of Ayush sector. 

The need is to promote Ayush sector nationally and globally through collective initiatives of Government and industry, said Mrs Perminder Jeet Kaur ASSOCHAM Director East & North East and nodal officer for the National Task Force.

Dr Roy, a Homeopathy Graduate from CU, studied further in Germany and UK. He is ex-student of Purulia Ramakrishna Mission and St Xavier’s College, and also an alumnus of IIM Ahmedabad. With more than a decade of experience in this sector Dr Roy is committed to the mission of Globalization of Ayush.

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