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Webinar on “Northeast Economic Forum”

  • 01 Aug-02 Aug, 2022

North East offers the diverse mix of natural resources, human talent, large consumer base, opportunities for greenfield project, global partnerships. The Roadmap for North East development paves the way for making the Region a Global hub of South East Asia.  In this regard, ASSOCHAM brings together the region’s key stakeholders for a common goal of Enhancing Business and Economic Development of the NE region. The North East Economic forum shall have representatives from Corporates, Investment Agencies, Economics Experts trade unions, academia, and other key stakeholders to build a strong regional economy.

The forum shall identify key issues relevant to the North East’s economy and attempt to provide innovative approaches for strengthening regional entrepreneurship, impactful innovation, sustainable growth. Meet shall talk of Changing Dynamics of the states, Influence of South Asian Economies on the region. Forum shall bring together decision-makers from across society to work on projects and initiatives that make a real difference, as we believe in longer-term interaction. Key four themes of the meet are Infrastructure, Trade, Energy and Logistics, as we discuss the regional economy and the way forward for growth and sustainability. 

The meet shall be the place for leaders to share insights on the major challenges facing the NE region.  The Industry Strategy roundtable meets shall bring together Industry Strategy Heads to shape industry agendas and explore how industries can shift from managing change to pioneering change for strengthening North East as a region. In addition, the program shall have interactions to provide focused engagement on the issues dominating regional and local agenda.  Considering the significance of the program for the region, ASSOCHAM is hosting a webinar on “Northeast Economic Forum” on 1st August & 2nd August 2022.

In view of the importance of the subject, we would request you to kindly participate in this webinar on 1st August 2022 at 4.00 pm & 2nd August 2022 at 10.30 pm.

Attendees Short Link:  https://bit.ly/3Oy14HR

Date and time: Monday, August 1, 2022 4:00 pm

Attendees Short Link:  https://bit.ly/3cFHyf9

Date and time: Monday, August 2, 2022 10.30 am

For more details, contact

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