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Safety & Security Buyer-Seller-Meet (BSM), Lagos, Nigeria

  • 21 Mar-22 Mar, 2023

We are pleased to inform you that ASSOCHAM with the support of Ministry of Commerce & Industry, Govt. of India is organizing Safety & Security Buyer-Seller Meet (BSM), scheduled on 21st and 22nd March 2023 at Lagos, Nigeria.

Public safety has emerged as an important function for governments across the world. With more than half the global population today living in urban areas, safe city is increasingly being considered essential in ensuring secure living and prosperity. Crime, violence and fear in cities pose significant challenges. Ensuring safety and security of citizens and assets remains a matter of serious attention for each nation. Significant improvements and advancements have been made in this respect over the past decades.

There is an increased demand for high quality security equipment, training and services in Nigeria by security agencies tasked with the safety of lives and property. High volume buyers of security equipment include government, businesses and residential builders/owners. The Government of Nigeria has continued to reform its security agencies and is investing substantially to enable them to undertake covert and overt operations, including intelligence gathering.  The Nigerian security agencies are investing heavily in new age technology and other intelligent warfare equipment; biometric solutions, metal detectors, bomb and tracking devices, surveillance cameras and Close Circuit Television (CCTv) cameras, high range communication devices, body scanners, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and drones. Private individuals and private security agencies are also keyed into the need for additional safety and security and are procuring top of the range surveillance systems such as Overt and Covert CCTV cameras including nanny cameras, Smart Home solutions, Video enabled door bells, automated gate solutions, car trackers, etc. which provide an additional level of security. The Government of Nigeria now places high priority on ICT training (cyber counterterrorism and cyber warfare), for its personnel to make them equipped for incidences that may occur through such means. This creates opportunities for Indian security equipment manufacturers and contractors to increase their presence within the Nigerian Safety and Security sector.   

India exported goods worth US$ 4.6 Bn to Nigeria during 2021-22. Over 135 Indian companies are currently operating in Nigeria that are owned and/ or operated by Indians or Persons-of-Indian origin (PIOs). Indian owned/operated companies are estimated to be the second largest employer in Nigeria after the Federal Government of Nigeria. Therefore, keeping in view the business opportunities for Indian Companies in Nigeria, ASSOCHAM is organising Buyer- Seller- Meeting (BSM) which will bring together the suppliers and manufacturers of security technology and services for one-on-one interaction and will provide Indian Companies ample opportunities to promote their security solutions to the Nigerian market which is looking for security risk mitigation. Apart from the focused buyers, the members of The Association of Industrial Security and Safety Operators of Nigeria (AISSON) will also be invited to meet Indian Companies. 

New and maturing technologies (e.g., UGV, counter-drone systems, big data & AI, smart sensors, 5G, TETRA & LTE emergency communication, AI-based cybersecurity and video analytics), will create new business opportunities.

The product profile of the BSM includes: 

Security Related Big Data & AI 

Natural Disasters Mitigation Market 

Secure Communications 

Video Surveillance (w/o Analytics) 

Perimeter Security (w/o CIP) 

Security Alarm Systems 

X-Ray Screening 

Police Modernization & Other 1st Responders 

Security Gates 

Bio-Terror Mitigation 

Private Sector Security (w/o CIP) 

Thermal Identification and Signalling 


Public Events Security Market 

Thermal Imaging 

Border & Perimeter Barriers 

Safe City 

Thermal Security Cameras 

C2/C4ISR Systems 

Access Control 

Tracking device 

Chemical, Hazmat & Nuclear Detection 

Anti-Theft Systems 

Traffic Surveillance 

Counter-IED Technologies 


Transport Security 


Bomb Jammers 

Wireless Communication Jammers 

Decontamination of CBRN & Hazmat Incidents 

CCTV with advance Analytics and Face Recognition 

Fire fighter equipment & technology & solutions 

Electronic Fencing 

Communication Interception 

Security Equipment Manufacturers 

Emergency Communication 

Data Security 

Importers & Exporters 

Explosives Trace Detection (ETD) 

Digital Forensic 

System Integrators 

Information Technologies (w/o Intel & Cyber) 

Digital Surveillance  

Public Utility Companies 

Intelligence Services IT 

Drones and UAVs 

Electronics and Industrial Components 

Intrusion Detection Systems 

Forensic Lab Equipment and Technologies 

Private Security Agencies 

Metal Detectors 

GPS Tracking 

Detective Agencies 

Non-Lethal Weapons 

Industrial Security 

Airport Operators 

Personal (Ballistic & CBRNE) Protective Gear 

IT and Cyber Safety 

Intelligence Agencies 

Standoff Explosives & Weapon Detection 

Mass Data Interception 

IT, Software and Hardware Companies 

Video Analytics 

Mobile Cyber Security 

Networking and Communication Companies 

Aviation Security Market 

Network Surveillance 

Disaster Management solutions 

Border Security Market 

Patrol Monitoring 

Police Equipments 

CBRN Security & Safety Market 

Public Space Surveillance 

Immigration Enforcement Market 

Critical Infrastructure Protection Market 

Railway Security 

Maritime Security Market 

Intelligence Agencies Market 

RFID & Bar Coding 

Mass Transportation Security Market 

Robotic Systems 

Satellite Monitoring 



We are glad to invite your company to participate in the BSM in Nigeria during 21-22 March 2023 and explore the business opportunities. As this event is supported by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India, the participation will be on subsidizes rates and confirmation of participation will be on first-come-first served basis.

For more details, contact

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