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Odisha Metal & Mining Conference 2023

  • 14 Sep, 2023

The rapid industrialization and infrastructure development has resulted in increased demand and large-scale exploitation of the mineral resources.  With the amendment of the Mines & Minerals (Development & Regulation) Act, 1957, the auction regime for grant of mineral concession has come to play which ensures greater transparency and sustainable mining methods. With recent policies interventions, the Government aims towards accelerating mineral exploration in the country by involving the private sector participation through a revenue sharing model which was largely a public sector area. 

Odisha is traditionally considered as one of the major minerals producing states in the country having vast mineral reserve base for the ample growth opportunity for mineral sector in the country. To meet the industry needs in the state, a paradigm shift is essential involving transition from business-as-usual to large scale mining involving high end technological solutions. The various challenges like development of mine infrastructure, logistics for smooth evacuation and sustainable mining practices. Apart from the necessary steps and regulatory initiatives from the Government side, the industry has to explore and develop the green field projects and expansion of the existing projects with a duty to educate, empower and employ the local population which certainly play a vital role in the entire gamut of industrialization. 

To discuss the above and the related issues, ASSOCHAM is organizing ‘Odisha Metals & Mining Conference 2023 -Unleashing the Potential for Sustainable Growth -” on 14th September 2023 at Hotel Swosti Premium in Bhubaneswar. 

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