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National Conference on Homeland Security

  • 17 Jan, 2023

India is a country with diversified cultures, languages, dialects, religion, ethnic groups sects and sub-sects. It is also sharing about 7000 km of international borders with seven neighbouring countries along with a coastline spanning over 15000 km. With such diversity, India has been facing multitude of formidable security challenges both internal and external due to insurgency movements, ethnic conflicts and religious fundamentalism etc. The country has also been vulnerable to natural disasters due to its unique geo climatic conditions. Floods, droughts, cyclones, earthquakes and landslides have been a recurrent phenomenon. Internal security has many constituents apart from external influences impacting it. Therefore, one of the key responsibilities of the government includes maintaining law and order, protecting its assets, citizens, vital installations, border areas, industry, transportation and other infrastructure. 

To manage the internal security efficiently, it is essential that the law enforcement agencies of our country are equipped with the latest technological solutions. In the emerging new age challenges, private sector can support government agencies in securing our homeland by offering strategies to aid in the fight against national and international threats. Adoption and use of modern technologies need to be encouraged so that the Police Forces can be best equipped and are capable to resist any threat. For the modernization of our security system it is expected to keep our forces abreast with the latest application of science and technology, procedures and methodologies. With a view to improving the operational efficiency of police work, India needs to promote the use of modern equipment and technologies with in investment of private sector. 

Therefore, to discuss the emerging challenges and developments in homeland security sector,  ASSOCHAM is organizing National Conference on “HOMELAND SECURITY: Public-Private Partnership for Managing New Age Challenges” at 10:00 a.m. on January 17, 2023 at Hotel Le-Meridien in New Delhi. The Conference will have a large participation by stakeholders of various segments of security industry to discuss and find holistic solutions through the private sector participation towards efficient management of homeland security.

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