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Masterclass on Mergers and Acquisitions

  • 05 Apr, 2023
  • 03:00 PM - 05:30 PM

M&A is the most effective strategy for inorganic growth for corporate ventures. There are references to past deals restructured successfully in fast-track mode and at times, the deals either delay for longer or they fall flat. Apart from negotiation between the parties, a lot goes into a successful transaction, which depends on multiple compliances and clearances from regulators.

The execution of a well-structured deal is an outcome of effective and efficient merchant banker teams, who add value to in-house teams that work on structuring the deals. Thus, it is undeniable that a deal that is time-bound and within the compliance cost stipulated in the budget depends on in-house preparation by the counsels. It is as essential to gaining a strategic advantage in the M&A deal as its careful valuation, execution, and post transaction management.

The major players behind a successfully structured deal between promoters or majority shareholders are the well- versed team members from the legal department, the law firms involved, accounts, finance, KMPs, etc. They are expected to be the part of core M&A team and are a priority subject when it comes to being contemporary and updated about the evolving requirements of compliances and law.

In this backdrop, the Department of Corporate, Legal and Regulatory Affairs, ASSOCHAM has carefully designed the Virtual Masterclass on Undertaking M & A from a lens aiming to impart high level of knowledge on do’s and don’ts which are essential for Mergers and Acquisitions in the contemporary times. The Masterclass is being organized virtually on Wednesday, 5th April 2023.

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