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  • 19 Mar-21 Mar, 2024

We are glad to inform you that ASOSCHAM with the support of Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Govt. of India is organizing India Pavilion in AGRITECH WEST AFRICA to be held at Accra International Conference Centre, Accra, Ghana during 19-21 March, 2024. The expo will be one of the largest exhibitions on Agriculture in Ghana and the finest marketing platform for companies in the agriculture technology, machinery, equipment, implements, parts, irrigation systems and all products related to agriculture and value addition. It will connect right partners to expand business prospects in West Africa.

The Expo will have participation from 10 different countries and is being organized under the Auspices of Ministry of Food & Agriculture, Ghana and with the support of High Commission of Ghana in India and all major Chambers and Association in the Agribusiness in Ghana, namely Ghana National Chamber, Association of Ghana Business, Chamber of Agribusiness Ghana, Federation of Association of Ghanaian Exporters, Farmers Organization Network of Ghana, etc. The expo is also being supported by Italian Trade Agency, UK Ghana Chamber and CCI France in Ghana.

With 65% land area in agriculture, Ghana has less than 2% irrigated land and now it is becoming the centre of business and agriculture transformation in the West Africa region and emerging as a trading and manufacturing hub. Government schemes like planting for food & jobs and planning for exports co-located with 1 district 1 factory scheme is expected to attain agriculture and food processing self-sufficiency that needs knowhow from outside Ghana as very low mechanization in agriculture and food processing along shortage in storage facilities are key need areas to be focused. Crop care and protection are among the top imported products in Ghana’s Agritech sector, followed by levelers, scrapers, mechanical shovels which are second in line with 15% share. Fertilizers, Spare parts and machine tools are other products are in the top 10 complementing requirement of Ghana with a sizable volume. West African Agritech imports touched US $ 2.5 Bn of which Ghana alone accounts for about 50% share of such imports.

For more details, contact

Kaushal Lal Gupta


[email protected]

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