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ILLNESS TO WELLNESS “Sahi Bhojan Behtar Jeevan- What India Eats”

  • 20 Aug, 2022
  • 11:00 AM - 12:30PM

Human body needs a wide range of nutrients to maintain active and healthy lifestyles. For completing and consuming these, good nutrition or proper intake of food in relation to the body’s dietary needs is required. An adequate, well-balanced diet is a cornerstone of good health. Poor nutrition can lead to reduced immunity, impaired mental and physical development, increased susceptibility to disease and reduced productivity. 

A healthy diet helps to protect against malnutrition in all its forms and noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), including diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer. Since rapid urbanization/globalization, increased consumption of High Calories and fat foods and changing lifestyles has led to a shift in dietary patterns these days. Unhealthy diet is leading global risks to health and a balanced and healthy diet will vary depending on the individual needs (e.g. age, gender, lifestyle, degree of physical activity), cultural context, locally available foods and dietary customs but the basic principles of what constitute a healthy diet remain the same. 

A balanced diet is one which contains variety of foods in such quantities and proportion that the need of all nutrients is adequately met for maintaining health, vitality and general wellbeing and makes a small provision for extra nutrients to withstand short duration of leanness. 

The major food issues of concern are insufficient/ imbalanced intake of foods/nutrients.  One of the most common nutritional problems of public health importance in India are low birth weight, protein energy malnutrition in children, chronic energy deficiency in adults, micronutrient malnutrition and diet related non-communicable diseases. Health and nutrition are the most important contributory factors for human resource development in the country. 

With the paramount objective to cascade awareness and disseminate knowledge about healthy and balanced diet to lead a healthier, happier, and prosperous life, ASSOCHAM CSR Council, under ILLNESS TO WELLNESS campaign, is organizing a webinar on “Sahi Bhojan Behtar Jeevan- What India Eats scheduled on Saturday 20th August 2022, from 11.00 AM To 12.30 PM  


  • Dr. Sikha Sharma, Founder and Managing Director Dr. Shikha’s Nutrihealth
  • Ms. Ishi Khosla, Practicing Clinical Nutritionist, Columnist, Author, an  Entrepreneur and Researcher
  • Ms. Seema Singh, Founder Director – Seema Singh Nutrition Clinic
  • Dr. Rajesh Kesari, Founder and Director Total Care Control, Delhi – NCR EC  Member, RSSDI
  • Shri Anil Rajput, Chairperson, ASSOCHAM CSR Council

Keeping in mind the relevance of the topic, we are immensely pleased to cordially invite you to attend this highly significant and very timely webinar. 

Prior registration is mandatory. We shall appreciate your kind consideration and an early registration for the program. After registration, you will receive a confirmation email containing information and details about joining the webinar.

Participants may send their questions on [email protected] in advance.

We look forward to your valuable participation, please.

For more details, contact

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