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Conference on ‘Odisha Minerals & Metals Industry

  • 18 Nov, 2022

Mining is one of the core sectors that drive growth in an economy. Not only does it contribute to GDP but also acts as a catalyst for the growth of other core industries like power, steel, cement, etc., which, in turn, are critical for the overall development of the economy. The Government of India has taken various measures which has resulted into simplification of procedures and avoidance of delay in the mining sector in the country and will provide an enabling environment for the investors.

Odisha with its bountiful natural resources has always been the favourite investment destination for the mining industry. Odisha\'s rich mineral reserves constitute major minerals like Bauxite, Iron ore, coal, manganese, and Chromite. The Government of Orissa has been making several efforts for attracting investment in the sector by designing favourable policy and providing numerous incentives to the prospective investors in the State. These policy initiatives will no doubt have positive impact on social wellbeing of the adjoining population in the state by taking due care of the environmental issues. However, state government also have an important role to track the adherence of time frame associated with various clearances of mineral block such as environmental & forests, mining plan, land acquisition etc. 

To discuss the above and the related issues, ASSOCHAM is organizing a Conference on ‘Odisha Minerals & Metals Industry- Exploring Opportunities & Addressing Concerns’ on 18th November 2022 at Hotel Pal Heights in Bhubaneswar.

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