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ASSOCHAM WorkVision2022 – Conference & Awards

  • 11 Oct, 2022
  • 09:30 AM -

The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted global economies and businesses, and Human Resources (HR) has been at the heart of it. 

With organisations now on the cusp of recovery, the role of HR is becoming even more important.  The pandemic has changed work and workplaces faster than any of us would have ever predicted, but it\'s also given companies the chance to refresh their HR strategies.

While many gaps were exposed, it also proved to be a great learning opportunity and provided a chance to reimagine the future of work.  The pandemic has brought upon a twist in what we may call archaic way of thinking and this twist has forced us all to restructure the way we communicate with employees henceforth.

However, the questions are endless when it comes to envisioning the future impact and role of HR post-COVID-19. The cat has been let out of the bag, and the future of work that the business world has talked about for so long has suddenly become reality. 

Motivated by such past initiatives & movements, ASSOCHAM  in its continuous endeavours to encourage,  support  & applaud the efforts of the industry in setting up world class HR practices & enhancing employee productivity has conceptualized and organized HR Excellence Competition and Awards at Regional levels and is now finale in New Delhi.

The 2nd edition of ASSOCHAM’s WorkVision2022 was launched in September 2022. 

ASSOCHAM held HR Excellence Competition Awards in various regions of India. From every region, the regional jury shortlisted 3 outstanding companies per region, and now the finale on 11th October 2022 at IHC, New Delhi.

This program aims to provide a platform for practicing companies to share their success stories & help others internalize the concept in the right way the first time. As it is rightly said seeing is believing. Experts & leaders will deliberate on What is the new normal and what lies beyond? Presenting the bigger challenges.

Regarding the above, we cordially invite you to join this Finale of ASSOCHAM WorkVision2022 – Conference & Awards scheduled on 11th October 2022 at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi. 

A line of confirmation is a must.  

To know more, pls visit- https://workvision.in/

For more details, contact

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