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ASSOCHAM - ICMAI Certified AML Professional Programme on Anti-Money Laundering

  • 25 Aug, 2023
  • 10:00 AM - 05:00 PM

The illegitimate financial transactions are prohibited under the provisions of Prevention of Money Laundering Act, 2002. Execution of illicit transactions heedfully or inadvertently by individual or on behalf of organisational entities fall under purview of criminal economic offense. With effect of notifications issued by the Department of Revenue, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India dated May 3, 2023, if specified illicit transactions are authenticated or audited by an associated professionals to purport as legitimate ones, this leads to consequential obligations and charges levied as per provisions under the extended scope of PML Act, 2002.

The money laundering activities have severe impact on income, savers and investors and GDP of a sovereign economy. An early-stage detection of ML practices followed at the end of associated party/ies involved in business and trade can help prevent trained professionals to safeguard the interest of all. The programme has been designed to develop the professional capabilities which promote ethics, transparency and good governance. The course focuses on to develop the understanding from basics and then upskill on subjects pertaining to transactions, taxations, trends, ways, means and cases of typically traditional as well as high-tech domestic or cross border trade and business environment alongside changes in the national and international AML laws.

The Need:

In pursuance of a range of evolving nature of fraudulent transactions, the global watchdog i.e. Financial Action Task Force assesses and suggests the mechanism for prohibiting terror financing and money laundering. The government follows actions by widening the scope, tightening the provisions and by carrying out the enforcement of the PML Act in India.

Anti-money laundering certified course has been designed to equip, enable, excel and empower the individuals about provisions of PML Act 2002, develop their professional capabilities for being vigilant enough while discharging their respective duties, and thereby, contribute to enhance the transparency and good governance eco-system in India.

The Objective:

ASSOCHAM-ICMAI certified professionals programme is an advocacy initiative aiming to bring out transformation impact through educative discourse and career advancement through capacity building of professionals. As an outcome, the certified professionals will contribute for prohibiting the financial abuses and the criminal economic activities in India such as- corruption, drug trafficking, market manipulation, fraud, tax evasion.  Thus, the developed capabilities of professionals will discourage the diversion of funds, reduce the corrosive and corrupting effect on society via-as-vis promoting a sense of higher integrity and stability in financial markets.

Invitation for delegate nomination:

We take this opportunity to cordially invite you to join and/ or nominate delegates for their participation in the conference. The duly filled-in registration form along with the payment details of the requisite fee should be sent to [email protected]. Please refer to the conference brochure and registration form for more details.

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