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  • 21 Jan, 2023
  • 05.00 PM - 07.00 PM

Kerala, the GOD’s own country has immense potential to be the Model State in India. The people of Kerala have the unique natural inclination to protect the environment, flora, and fauna. At ASSOCHAM we are bringing this event to drive home what we consider as the futuristic needs of the society. However literate and economically developed a country may be, there is still a constant need to work for the uplift of economically weaker sections of the society. Firstly, a growing population causes people at the bottom of the pyramid to frequently flee their home countries or states in search of meaningful employment possibilities. Secondly, it is the widening gap between the rich and the poor. Technology has undoubtedly reduced some inequalities, but we can still do more to improve the State for the benefit of coming generations as part of our social obligation.  

Climate change is both a global as well as domestic problem. Similarly, channelization of the young and aspiring millennials is also a global and domestic problem. The meaningfully engagement of employed youth is a sine qua non for peace and social order. In this direction, ASSOCHAM desires to bring a paradigm shift in the thinking of not only the Government and  Corporate Sector but also the society in general as well. ASSOCHAM aims to bring socially conscious and sustainable business growth. Kerala is preparing to come out with a first-of-its-kind policy to promote environmental, social and governance (ESG) investments as the southern state focuses on the ease of doing business as well as living to attract more investors. In recent times, there is an increased focus on ESG investments globally and ESG is also gaining traction as a strategy for creating value for businesses in the long term. 

ASSOCHAM feels it is necessary to inculcate at the student level itself two majors ever serving institutionalised structures using the Corporate Social Responsibility obligation. Many companies desirous of spending their CSR Budget may come to together and join hands in a consortium mode with Government through a special purpose vehicle through different initiatives. Such an initiative could be clubbed with ESG – Environmental, Social Governance and Sustainability Goals.  

Keeping the above points in the mind. We bring to you this path breaking programme to share our ideas and provide a forum for additional opinions, lively debate, and in-depth reflection that will help lift the future of this beautiful State to new heights.    

ASSOCHAM takes the pleasure in inviting you to attend this highly significant and very timely Summit: ASSOCHAM CSR & ESG Summit from 10:30-13:00 hrs on Saturday, 21st January’23 at Kerala Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Cochin.

For more details, contact

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