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Annual Conference 2023 Hydropower & Pumped Storage - Critical for Grid Resilience

  • 29 Aug, 2023

ASSOCHAM has been strongly advocating the need for Development of Hydropower Plants in India in the backdrop of National Hydropower Policy notified by the Union Cabinet on March 8, 2019.

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Rapid expansion of solar and wind generation capacities is a national priority to serve the broader perspective of building a sustainable green economy. With India aiming towards 50% generation capacity from non-fossil fuel sources by 2030 as part of its international commitments, the requirement of flexible resources like hydropower and storage has gained significance in firming up the Variable RE Sources (VRES). National Electricity Plan (NEP) has estimated that by 2032, India will require additional 17 GW of hydro capacity, ~27GW of pumped storage capacity and ~47 GW of battery storage systems in order to integrate 500 GW of renewables in the grid. The hydro industry believes that the initiatives taken, and support being provided by both central and state governments will need further impetus to ensure that the targets set under NEP are met and a vibrant hydro and pumped storage sector is able to serve the evolving load profile and provide the grid support services as will be necessitated by system requirements.

With this background & to address the policy, regulatory and market contexts, ASSOCHAM is hosting Annual event themed as ‘Hydropower & Pumped Storage Plants - Critical for Grid Resilience’ on August 29, 2023 at New Delhi. At the occasion CEOs Roundtable Discussion with Hon’ble Union Minister for Power, New and Renewable Energy will be organised at the Plenary Session in the evening from 5.00 pm – 6.15 pm

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