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6th Edition The EduMeet & Education Excellence Awards

  • 18 Jan, 2023
  • 10:00 AM -

The education sector in India, has been witnessing a massive transformation recently with technological disruptions, demand for quality education and the implementation of National Education Policy (NEP) 2020.

National Educational Technology Forum (NETF) is envisaged to offer a platform for free exchange of ideas on the use of technology to enhance learning, assessment, planning, administration and so on, both for School and Higher Education.

India’s population, long considered a challenge, has turned into a desirable demographic dividend. A demographic dividend is not just people; it is skilled, educated or employed people. The 3Es - Education, Entrepreneurship and Employability has been the focus of the present government and as the country is poised to grow as one of the leading knowledge economies, the 3Es will remain priorities for the Government.

COVID-19 pandemic has severely impacted the education sector, accelerating the shift to digital-learning models as educational institutes remain closed in the wake of virus outbreak. NEP 2020 reaffirms the recommendation of increasing public investment on education to 6% of GDP.

Their motivation will be more than getting a good job and a high income; they will also need to care about the well-being of their friends and families, their communities, and the planet. Education can equip learners with agency and a sense of purpose, and the competencies they need, to shape their own lives and contribute to the lives of others.

The Union Budget share on education has indeed increased over the years, but it still needs a lot of improvement to match the needs – ensuring inclusiveness, adding infrastructure and most importantly, improving the quality of education. The New Education Policy 2020 has already instilled a lot of hopes among all stakeholders in the education sector for a turnaround. It is necessary that both Budget 2022 and policy reforms are in sync with the changing needs of globalization, urbanization and digitalization. There is a need to skill professionals and lay thrust on emerging technologies to prepare the burgeoning Indian workforce for Industry 4.0.

ASSOCHAM, under Bharat@100 is committed towards strengthening business and citizen and education certainly plays a key role. The program shall have parallel sessions, engaging subject experts and industry leaders focussing upon all verticals, Higher Education, School Education and ECE.

The multi session programme shall have national leaders from universities, colleges, schools and ECE shall join the meet to share the concrete solutions for strengthening the system for being globally competitive and for ensuring quality is achieved with technology inputs and innovation.

To honor the champions of the sector, ASSOCHAM is also organizing EDUCATION EXCELLENCE AWARDS” on that day. 

We invite your esteemed organization to nominate for Excellence Awards.

For more details, contact

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