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5th Conference on Empowering Persons with Disabilities through Accessible & Assistive Technology - Equal Opportunities and Inclusive Ecosystem

  • 18 Nov, 2022
  • 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM

Accessible and Assistive Technology enables the inclusion, participation, and engagement of people with disabilities, ageing populations, and people with co-morbidities.

The WHO-UNICEF Global Report on Assistive Technology (GReAT) highlights that over 2.5 billion people need more than one assistive device that support communication and cognition. This report further draws our attention towards those 90% of the people who need the AT devices, however, are unable to access it globally because of its affordability, scalability, marketability, and numerous other reasons.

Accessible and Assistive Technology plays a pivotal role in aligning with the vision of Hon’ble Prime Minister Narendra Modi that “Real growth is not feasible without inclusiveness”. It will help to achieve the target of “leaving no one behind” to accomplish the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Accessible Built Environment, Transportation System and Information & Communication Ecosystem benefits the overall mankind. There are notable issues related to the accessibility, affordability, market driven forces and others that need to be addressed for realising the optimal potential of all the stakeholders. The need of the hour is to discuss how innovation and investments by allied industries in accessible and assistive technology can work for the benefit of people with disabilities and other end users. India has the immense potential for innovation and manufacturing of ATs as per the WHO standards to ensure that indigenous products are available and accessible at affordable prices.

To achieve the overall development of persons with disabilities through accessible and affordable assistive technologies, ASSOCHAM is organising 5 th Conference on "Empowering Persons with Disabilities through Accessible & Assistive Technology” - Equal Opportunities and Inclusive Ecosystem scheduled on Friday, 18 th November 2022 at Hotel the Park, New Delhi. To complement the Government initiative, with special mention to G-20 Summit, ASSOCHAM will bring all the key stakeholders together to showcase their potential and innovative contributions for India to become a Global AT Hub through this conference.

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