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12th Real Estate Summit: Conference-cum-Excellence Awards

  • 03 Nov, 2023

Real estate in India continues to be a dynamic and promising sector, offering a plethora of investment opportunities and robust growth prospects. With the rapidly urbanizing population and the government's focus on infrastructure development, the demand for residential and commercial properties remains on an upward trajectory. This rapid shift from rural to urban living is driven by various factors, including economic opportunities, better access to education and healthcare, and improved living standards.  

Indian cities are becoming hubs of commerce, technology, and culture, attracting a growing population seeking employment and a higher quality of life. Urban areas are expected to represent 40 % of India's population by 2030, contributing 75 % of the country's GDP. Real estate is a multifaceted and ever-evolving industry that mirrors the country\'s economic growth and cultural diversity, linked to more than 250 ancillary industries which employ more than 10 % of our workforce. The Indian economy has been heavily influenced by the development of the real estate industry over the last two decades. Given that India is a rapidly growing economy, the demand and delivery of housing have been one of the top priorities for both government and industry. Indian Real estate is also moving from metro cities to Tiers 1 and 2 cities. In addition, this pace of growth led to a significant increase in national and foreign investments as well as increased housing demand for all. 

This urbanization trend, while promising in many aspects, also presents significant challenges. The strain on urban infrastructure, such as housing, transportation, and sanitation, has increased as cities struggle to accommodate the influx of people. Ensuring sustainable urban development and addressing issues like traffic congestion, air pollution, and affordable housing are pressing concerns. While it faces occasional challenges such as regulatory reforms, compliances and market fluctuations, the enduring appeal of real estate in India lies in its ability to offer a secure and tangible investment option.  

As India continues to urbanize and develop, the real estate sector is poised for further innovation and expansion, making it an exciting and integral part of the country's growth story. India’s real estate market is one of the most dynamic and fastest growing in the world. India is among the top few price-appreciating housing markets internationally. India is becoming a more popular real estate investment location for foreign investors, and it is also expected that this sector will acquire more non-resident Indian (NRI) investment.  

The Government of India has been supportive to the growth and development of the Housing sector by addressing various issues through policy implementation. The Government's vision is to promote the real estate, housing and infrastructure sectors which have a key role in economic development by ensuring long-term inclusive growth through good governance and profound reforms. The key reform to set up Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), will come in handy to fund capital-starved developers. To accelerate the real estate market, the government has offered various incentives, including tax reductions and subsidies for homebuyers. These changing dynamics in real estate have contributed to improving the atmosphere for real estate investment. 

Therefore, with a view to discussing diverse attributes of the Indian real estate sector ASSOCHAM is organizing the 12th Annual Real Estate Summit: Investment Opportunities and Growth Prospects-Conference-cum- Awards at 10.00 a.m. on November 3, 2023, at Hotel Le Meridien in New Delhi. The Conference will bring together all concerned groups to a common platform to understand and explore opportunities in the real estate sector.

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