Mr. Ragesh P

State: Kerala

District/Block Name: Wayanad

Craft Type: Handicraft

Occupation: Home décor products

Other Details

Mr. Ragesh P, (43), is a tribal artisan from the Wayanad district of Kerala, who makes handicrafts and home décor products for his livelihood. His family consists of his wife, who supports him in his work, and his two children.

Around 25 years ago, he moved to Wayanad from Kannur district to earn a living just like many others from his community did before him. He found work under a master artisan, who paid him Rs. 125 as wages in the initial period.

In the course of his work with the master artisan, he had a chance to get in touch with some of the sellers in the handicraft sector. Quick thinking and risk-taking are essential qualities of an entrepreneur, Ragesh, had both and he thought of branching out on his own and starting his own venture.

He started his business by taking a loan of Rs. 1, 25,000 from a bank. Initially, it was difficult for him to make profits and survive. As for the first 1-2 months he didn’t have any orders. Again his quick thinking came to his rescue and he thought of a solution to the problem of finding a market for his products. He said he kept some products for display outside his rented house adjacent to the state highway and got orders from travelers and sellers who passed by, thus finding a ready buyer for his wares. Later on, he received some orders from the forest department outlet from Thrissur district. Then on slowly and steadily his business improved and he started receiving orders from different corners of the state. Soon, Ragesh realized the middlemen or traders are making double the money on his products by selling them in the bigger markets and again he decided to do something about it. “While I get Rs. 1500 for a 12-inch sized horse that I make, it is sold in the market at a rate of Rs. 3000 or sometimes Rs. 3500. These sellers are earning more sometimes than me” said Mr. Ragesh.

Ragesh contacted buyers from different districts of the state and offered to deliver the products himself thereby cutting out the middlemen and raising the profit margins. Now, he gets orders from sellers in different districts of Kerala and he delivers the orders by sending parcels through Kerala Roadways (KRS) or sometimes passenger buses. He, himself, delivers orders directly from within the district. His products are beautifully crafted artwork made from Coffee wood and Indian Rosewood and have found market and takers across Kerala. He has participated in several exhibitions conducted by the government within Kerala.

The hard work paid off and before the Coronavirus pandemic put a spoke in the wheel, the tribal artist Ragesh P. was making average revenue of Rs. 6, 00,000 per year.

The unit operated by him is still small and other than his wife, who supports him, there was one more employee who worked with him but due to the present situation and fewer orders he cannot afford to keep him and was sent back. Ragesh, however, true to the spirit of enterprise, is sure that once the situation improves, he would bounce back.