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  • 02 Mar, 2022
  • 10:00am - 5:30pm

A combination of consumer forces, business drivers, and government initiatives have driven India’s personal data revolution. Data powers the information economy and the risks associated with it continue to increase rapidly. Data breach, identity theft, loss of customer trust—these are the threats to organizations of all sizes, in all sectors. With organizations adopting emerging technologies for digital transformation, there is unprecedented attention to privacy in the digital era as a result of increasing privacy risk exposure. Increased digitalisation must be accompanied by a strong and robust data security regime. Data is an asset that can bring about tremendous opportunities for individuals and societies. It has the potential to improve lives and strengthen communities. As the world makes a rapid leap into the digital age, it will be important for the regulators to facilitate the creation of an ecosystem where the privacy of citizens and the ability of enterprises to innovate are both safeguarded. ASSOCHAM being one of the oldest and Apex Chamber of Commerce in India, holds a strong understanding of privacy and data protection trends and challenges in industry and has worked extensively with the Government on various related issues. ASSOCHAM is organising a virtual event on GLOBAL PRIVACY AND DATAPROTECTION LEADERSHIP MEET 2022( on virtual platform Cisco WebEx) with an aim to bring all the data privacy leaders together and create an intensive policy debate and lively discussion on ever-emerging privacy and data protection trends and challenges in the industry. ASSOCHAM proposes to bring together top Regulators, Thought leaders, Data protection Professionals, Chief Privacy Officers, Cybersecurity Leaders at this Meet. The leadership Meet will focus on latest trends in Data Protection, Privacy Engineering, Privacy by Design, as well as, the use of cookies, tracking technologies, AI and how they change the way organizations collect and process data in the country.

ASSOCHAM takes this opportunity to cordially invite you to attend GLOBAL PRIVACY AND DATAPROTECTION LEADERSHIP MEET 2022 on 2nd March 2022 from 10AM to 5 pm. ( on virtual platform Cisco WebEx). May we request your colleagues and team members to also attend the event. There is no Registration fee to attend the event

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