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17th Annual Summit & Awards on Banking & Financial Sector Lending

  • 08 Sep, 2022

There are 4 sets that make up any industry- institutions, investors, instruments and intermediaries. For Vision 2030, there is a need to visualize how each of these 4 sets will pan out for financial services in India. The digital banking has emerged as preferred banking service delivery channel in the country along with ‘brick and mortar’ banking outlets. In furtherance of this objective and as a part of efforts to accelerate and widen the reach of digital banking services, the concept of “Digital Banking Units” (DBUs) is being introduced.

Introduction of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) has the potential to provide significant benefits, such as reduced dependency on cash, higher seigniorage due to lower transaction costs, reduced settlement risk. Introduction of CBDC would possibly lead to a more robust, efficient, trusted, regulated and legal tender-based payments option. There are associated risks, no doubt, but they need to be carefully evaluated against the potential benefits. Further, use of advanced technologies and initiatives by traditional banking sector players and FinTechs is also gradually resulting in availability of financial products and services to the bottom of the pyramid segment, who have otherwise been largely devoid of basic bank accounts, credit and other financial services.

The ASSOCHAM 17th National Summit & Awards on Banking and Financial Sector Lending Companies is a way to recognize, reward and celebrate models of inclusive growth and sustainable development as well as innovative approaches to creating value for society and business together.

Key Areas of Discussions:

  • Inaugural Session

Financial Inclusion & Future of Financial Services In India- Vision 2030

  • Fireside Session:

Building Indian Financial Services for Next Decade

  • Special Session-1:

Financing Green Transitions for Indian MSME Sector

  • Special Session-2:

Digital Lending & Services: Transforming the Financial Services & Account Aggregator


  • Panel Discussion:

Future Of Financial Services: Rise of AI & Machines

In this connection, on behalf of the ASSOCHAM, we would like to invite you as an Eminent Speaker and request your esteemed organization to kindly extend nominal financial support for this timely and meaningful summit & awards.

We look forward to your kind confirmation on the ASSOCHAM invitation.

For more details, contact

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